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I don't see anyone here that really knows anything about the situation. Just because a hundred people have speculations here doesn't make it fact; it's completely possible that he just failed to sign a Brazilian legal form or something.

Not really. We actually do know quite a lot about the situation.

We can see he has very likely violated the NDA.

By not mentioning this, and presenting himself as just another developer trying to make nice apps, we can see that he clearly has the capacity to be disingenuous. Most developers don’t reverse engineer Apple software and supply the results for publication.

We also know that if Apple froze people’s accounts for failing to sign a Brazilian legal form (or similar), it would affect a lot of people and we’d know it was a real possibility. But they don’t.

We don’t know anything with 100% certainty, but we easily have enough certainty to make it obvious that failing to mention his reverse engineering practice is a major red flag for his credibility.

I am "just another developer" who has probably violated the NDA as well. Reverse engineering beta OSes and distributing information about it totally OK, the problem is when you take screenshots.

Have you published information about undisclosed features in the press?

Why is distributing information covered by the NDA ok, but screenshots not?

> Have you published information about undisclosed features in the press?

Define "press".

> Why is distributing information covered by the NDA ok, but screenshots not?

Because that's what the license agreement says. Information about prerelease software is OK to discuss, sharing screenshots is not.

Ok - so it seems like you are confirming that we do know what he has done that breaks the NDA.

Yes. It's just that we don't know if that's why Apple has locked him out of his account.

Not for certain, but we do know that it is a strong possibility which he disingenuously leaves out of his account.

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