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All races are equal under Israeli law.

From that I can conclude that you are either ignorant or a liar. Because races are NOT equal in Israeli law. Either in theory OR practice.

Let me give some examples. The Law of Return only applies to Jews. The military draft does not apply to certain ethnic groups, because Israel doesn't want most of them in its military forces.

And that's in theory. In practice it is much worse, as was documented for the Israeli government in the Or report.

I said all races are equal under law, the Law of Return applies to ones religious status, and anyone can convert to Judaism. Besides immigration criteria does not effect discrimination of individuals as citizens since it's merely a selection criteria for citizenship in the first place.

Anyone can volunteer for the military. To argue that not being forced into military service is some sort of prejudicial discrimination is ludicrous.

> From that I can conclude that you are either ignorant or a liar. Because races are NOT equal in Israeli law. Either in theory OR practice. In theory they are equal

Silly conclusion to jump to. You have no examples of legal discrimination as pointed out above and undoubtedly you have even less "practical" evidence. For example the Or report you mention isn't even on the same subject.

Silly conclusion to jump to. You have no examples of legal discrimination as pointed out above and undoubtedly you have even less "practical" evidence. For example the Or report you mention isn't even on the same subject.

As you indicate, the Or report was a government inquiry into some riots that caused fatalities, and not about discrimination.

Yet as I said, it found that there was widespread discrimination against the Arab minority. It further indicated that this was one of the root causes of said riots.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel#Civil_R... for verification.

> The military draft does not apply to certain ethnic groups, because Israel doesn't want most of them in its military forces.

Absolutely fascinating. Where did you hear this?

The draft doesn't apply to non-Jews because Israel doesn't want to force its Arab citizens to fight other Arabs. However, Arabs, Muslims, and Christians are encouraged to join the military or civil service and they serve alongside Israeli Jews or in their own units. In fact Druze men have mandatory conscription.


> The Law of Return only applies to Jews.

Many, many countries have a Right or Law of Return. I always find it interesting that it is particularly bad when Jews do it.


The draft doesn't apply to non-Jews because Israel doesn't want to force its Arab citizens to fight other Arabs. However, Arabs, Muslims, and Christians are encouraged to join the military or civil service and they serve alongside Israeli Jews or in their own units. In fact Druze men have mandatory conscription.

Check the law again. The draft applies to all Israelis but exemptions can be granted. And in fact have been granted to Arabs. The conscription of Druze men is a consequence of their not having been granted a special exemption.

Note that not all branches of the military service are open to minorities. Notably the airforce is not. And having served as a pilot in the airforce is a requirement for being a pilot in the state airline.

Many, many countries have a Right or Law of Return. I always find it interesting that it is particularly bad when Jews do it.

I was not saying it was good or bad. I was citing it as evidence that different races are treated differently under Israeli law.

There are reasons for this discrimination. However discriminating and claiming that you don't discriminate is hypocrisy.

> Check the law again. The draft applies to all Israelis but exemptions can be granted. And in fact have been granted to Arabs. The conscription of Druze men is a consequence of their not having been granted a special exemption.

True but this doesn't mean non-Jewish Israelis are barred from serving in the military or civil service.

> I was not saying it was good or bad. I was citing it as evidence that different races are treated differently under Israeli law.

Right but if this is practiced in hundreds of countries around the world, it's a moot point.

True but this doesn't mean non-Jewish Israelis are barred from serving in the military or civil service.

True. But there are parts of the military that non-Jewish Israelis are barred from.

Right but if this is practiced in hundreds of countries around the world, it's a moot point.

The fact that many countries discriminate by race doesn't change the fact that it is, in fact, discrimination by race.

Incidentally I strongly doubt that we're talking about hundreds of countries. As of 2006 the UN had 192 member countries. And I know that many of them (eg Canada, England and France) do not have anything resembling the Jewish Right of Return.

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