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This idea is circulating in the web, but it's just cherrypicking what important and discover means to create a storm in a teacup. The main problem is that the experiments are very expensive and the pipeline from the theoretical idea to the experimental confirmation has become too long. So you must wait a few decades to see which of the weird current theories is the correct one.

Note that the bottom quark were discovered in 1974, and everybody expected to see the top quark then, but it was confirmed in 1995. So that push the dates at least 10 years or more.

The neutrino oscillation was discovered in 2001, and it forces a change in the "Standard model" to add mass to the neutrinos. Depending on how you count, this may reduce a few decades the time of no new things.

This year there was an announcement of a possible fourth neutrino, it's unconfirmed because they have only 4.5 sigmas, but it is very promising.

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