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Wow, I remember the days of the late 90s early 2000s checking out every distro I could get my hands on. I ordered so many from Cheapbytes and Linux Central. (I feel like there may have been a Linux Mall in there somewhere too). I just couldn't believe that these complete distros were free to install and use! RedHat 6.0, Debian Slink. NetBSD 1.4, Slackware.... Getting these things set up and then installing something like Enlightenment with some gorgeous theme.... only to tear it all down days later and try something else. What an incredible time.

I miss this as well - I had totally forgotten about ordering distro CD's online. I would also get them from the book store - a book about RedHat would include a copy in the back, for example.

I used to buy Linux magazines that contained a CD. TurboLinux, Storm Linux...

YES! TurboLinux from Utah! I loved that one. And I still have my Storm Linux CD in the garage. Nice packaging. (Florescent green I think)

Yup, went and dug it out of the garage: https://ibb.co/PM4GTkt

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