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He addresses that:

>Let me return to that sad image of human translators, soon outdone and outmoded, gradually turning into nothing but quality controllers and text tweakers. That’s a recipe for mediocrity at best. A serious artist doesn’t start with a kitschy piece of error-ridden bilgewater and then patch it up here and there to produce a work of high art.

For somebody learning a language, they would be even more easily mislead.

It's faster than using a dictionary to look up words one-by-one, and Google's actually integrated a dictionary into the interface. And beginner sentences are well-represented in the corpus so they're relatively unlikely to mislead.

Using Google Translate for learning a language could be likened to using training wheels on a bike.

The training wheels dont randomly fall off of bikes. Either a great analogy counter to your point, or a terrible one.

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