Your link implies that Chrome is more respecting of privacy than Firefox. Can you show me a single reputable tech journalist or online privacy expert that agrees with this premise?
No, you can't.
Your bulleted points are widely known. Could Firefox be even more private? Of course. Would it be better if it didn't rely on Google for the vast majority of it's revenue? Obviously! Heck, even Mozilla itself freely admits that.
Is Firefox worse than Chrome at respecting your privacy as your link implies? That's plainly ridiculous. Even Google itself has never made such a claim.
I understand how it may imply that, but my intention was to simply point to facts as often times we believe what we are led to believe vs seeing the facts with our own eyes.
To me a business model entirely dependent upon one entity whose policies they are supposed to fight against exposes a fundamental flaw - and that is a fact. Mozilla can make a number of choices to break the spell and they decide not to. For something as important as this, do or do not, there is no try.
- Not sending data to Google
- Finding a different business model that does not almost entirely rely on Google
- Not collecting user data