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Cvitanovic's book, and apparently Cvitanovic himself (I've traded an email or two, but he's friends of friends -and seems to always make a big impression in person) is amazing. It's been around in some form or other since I was wrapping up my ph.d. thesis in a related subject, and I remember being mad as hell it didn't exist when I started as it had the most understandable explanations of the Gutzwiller trace formula. The late Dieter Wintgen's papers were also good, but not as didactic, and without so many examples.

I should work out all the problem sets in J and publish the results. Seems like a properly impish trolling.

I've never had a strong incentive to read it, so I have only looked through it, but I love it. I fantasize about writing a book just like it on a subject that I know well.

Yes, his book and Ozorio de Almeida’s are the best I’ve found on the subject

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