Records are strange feature. They are immutable, they can't be abstract, they can't extend, they have implementations of some methods. I don't need anything of that. I just need short syntax to declare property with trivial getter/setter and that's about it. This is strange proposal.
The concept of records already exists in other languages, including JVM languages (like Scala and Kotlin). The fact that they're immutable and final is important. If they weren't, there would be subtle bugs caused by that. Scala actively recommends that case classes not be extended precisely due to this fact. Overriding methods for equality and hash code make it such that these classes can be used as keys in maps or entries in sets.
Records are strange feature. > They are immutable, they can't be abstract, they can't extend, they have implementations of some methods. I don't need anything of that.
Some people find data transfer objects to be very useful, even fundamental to implement a well architects software project.