The top-tier schools usually don't accept super-young students, though. What usually happens is, a second-tier school will accept a super-young student because they see no downside. The top-tier schools will tell you, just wait and apply again when you are older.
I don't know specifically about the Eindhoven University of Technology but it seems like roughly the 100th best school in Europe, which in the US would be like going to Saint Louis University. A fine school I'm sure, but if you can graduate there when you're 9 then maybe you should just instead go to Harvard when you're 18.
Lots of people do the equivalent of this, early college classes and then they go to a top tier school for undergrad. I think Reid Barton did this.
There are caveats, I know someone who finished the CS curriculum in high school, when he got to Berkeley the only credits he had left for his CS degree were non-CS, which bored him, so he just dropped out and started a startup. Seems fine now, as far as that goes, aside from the exodus from the bay area that the housing situation has forced on many of us...