TY, I've never heard this about cats. My one cat will get the remnants of a bowl of chocolate ice cream when I occasionally have one; I guess I should stop doing this!
I've heard this a lot about dogs, and I know it is stated by reputable sources, but the Vet we had growing up told us that this is a myth, and it depended upon the dog; he used to give his dog a pound of fudge every year for christmas, and it had no ill effects except for being somewhat hyper afterwards. I still wonder about his judgment; it doesn't seem like the thing a veterinarian should be telling people. But anyway I wont give chocolate to dogs.
We don't really give her (the cat who likes the melty chocolate chips) much, but she might sneak a lick here or there. I'll be more careful now. Thanks again!
When I read the article, I wondered what they could like in marshmallows, but looking it up I bet its this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshmallow#Protein