Recently I've began to notice that the sort of articles I read on TechCrunch are less about startups, and more about business that are already established. There is nothing wrong with this, it's just not the type of articles I'm really excited to read about.
I know there are others out there like me. People who would love to read news exclusively about startups, so I decided to start my own TC alternative. I've almost finished the site, and I'm just looking to build up some really great content before I push it live.
Would you be willing to talk about your startup with me? I'm looking for 30-45 startups to write about over the next month, and would love to get started with the HN crowd. The site and Twitter account will be launched later this week. I wanted some time to write a couple days in advance.
Although I can't promise a huge amount of traffic, we will be regularly plugging it from our blog that gets 45k hits a month. I'm hoping to grow this site well beyond that.
If you would like to follow us our Twitter handle is @startupfoundry .
The best way to get in touch with me is to email me
Thanks HN.