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Ignoring everything else about the article, the graph of price over time is total crap. If you want to show a change in the real price of something,

1. show the full price range in the Y axis. I'll have none of this clipping off the bottom half of the scale nonsene, please.

2. use a logarithmic scale so a unit of length always equals a percentage change.

3. adjust the price data for inflation. I don't want to compare apples to oranges, bananas, nectarines, and grapes! Give me a single value to consider. Ad 2002 dollar is a different beast from a 2018 dollar.

Death to bad charts!

But how else will they push their narratives?

Look at the language used:

> "lower prices and a glut of the type of stones ... have pushed the global diamond trade into crisis ... struggling to make profits"

They've literally managed to paint DeBeers diamonds as a victim! The level of self serving propaganda from Bloomberg is amazing.

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