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Sublime Text 2: Public Alpha Released (sublimetext.com)
238 points by iamelgringo on Jan 28, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 145 comments

As the author of Sublime Text, I'd just like to say thanks for all the kind comments here, it's heartwarming to see so many positive comments.

Just playing with it it feels great, one pony request: make it easier to just open a folder. When just trying out an editor I don't care to setup projects and whatnot, I just want the codebrowser to be rooted at some project dir on my system.

One feature that I really like in textmate is the "mate" binary they provide in Terminal. Before you launch your development server you can just type "mate ." and it'll open everything up for you.

I'm not sure if he's added it to ST2 yet, but in the original there was an option to open a directory as a project. If it's not in yet, it's probably on the to-do list.

This is the way I've been using it on the first version. I hope it's coming soon.

When you start it up you get a 'blank' project. So just go to Project -> Add Folder to Project... and you're done.

In fact, it even remembers this so you're good for as long as you want to be single-project, too.

Hi, very cool editor, currently I'm thinking about making it my default editor instead of TextMate.

However there are few issues:

* The default theme looks too dark (at least on OSX). It's hard to see which tab is active atm. Simple gray would be better (like in Chrome).

* Cannot change between tabs with Cmd-number.

* If the file is long and minimap is bigger than the height of the screen, clicking on it does not take you to the clicked position, but somewhere else.

* Too much animation, imho.

* Seriously needs a better icon, at least on OSX. It's too simplistic and looks like the frame that you can move when Cmd-tabbing through the programs.

Hope that helps, and keep up the good work!

It looks like the 20110129 update adds Cmd-number functionality for switching between tabs on OS X.

Thanks for the great work. Any chance of CoffeeScript syntax highlighting?

Edit: Also, do you have indent guides like in Komodo Edit? I couldn't see a way to turn them on, if so. That's a hard feature to give up once you're used to it, especially for Python.

Hey, I'm a big fan. Thanks for all the hard work! :)

I've been using ST2 all morning, but after I closed it once it just crashes every time I try to open it. Restarting my computer did not help. :\

Edit: Managed to fix it by blowing away ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/ and starting over.

Lots of folks on Quora these days too, you should/could create a topic for Sublime Text there too.

I've been using Sublime for quite some time on Win7, and I'm in love.

I keep trying to use Linux as my development platform, and I won't use a Mac (I got beaten with a mac as a young man. It's an emotional reponse), but for some reason I really dislike every nix text editor I've ever tried (emacs, vi, vim, gedit, kate, etc...) and constantly surprised at how ugly and inelegant the text editing world seems on the nix side. BTW, I'm not trying to flame or argue, this is just IMHO.

I've recently been doing some work with mongrel2, lua and Tir, which means that I have to develop on Linux, but I've been very crabby about using text editors that I really dislike. So, I'm really glad to have a port of sublime that works on linux.

Thanks for all the hard work, and I'm really looking forward to the new changes. Keep up the great work!

I do programming in Lua as well lately and nothing beats vim for me. How can you switch to an editor that doesn't have documentation for it's custom key binding API yet? I currently use my leader key as comma "," and have bindings to open an interpreter, save file and run in interpreter, execute block selected in visual mode in interpreter and leave interpreter open, execute selected block + os.clock() to benchmark a snippet, etc. http://www.lua.org/pil/1.4.html

>mongrel2, lua and Tir

Also, respect to Zed and MVC fans. However I've found it simpler to write a pure Lua coroutine\socket based stack on top of HTTP and TokyoCabinet than to use preexisting servers, DBMS, or frameworks. The advantage of LuaJIT is it allows you to develop highly refactorable multiprocess stack in one language and have it probably be faster than I/O that you won't need to use non-refactorable C black boxes or frameworks.

Literally beaten?


I studies graphics and animation years ago in the days of OS8 and OS9, and I believed all the hype about how much better Macs were than PC's. So, I was extremely excited when the school I was attending got a lab full of G3's and G4's.

Then, I started using them for hours on end and the beating that I received was through the horrors of using hockey puck mice, and mice without a right click. The trauma of the "click of death" on zip drives. Being exhausted and sleepless and helplessly furious after a render that was going to take 22 hours crashed after 21 hrs and 30 minutes. And, finally, the horror of realizing the that the amazing innovation of being able to "write my video files to DVD" was more or less useless because burning 5 minute video file on the g4's super drive took 2 hours.

After being bitterly disillusioned with apple and mac products those years, but feeling that there was something terribly terribly wrong with me because it was so obvious to everyone around me that "Macs are so much better for graphics".

So, I quietly saved up a dollar here and a dollar there until I finally had enough money to put together my first PC build and I installed Win2k on it, and never looked back.

After my first build, I felt so liberated by being able to upgrade my hardware when ever I felt like it, I never went back. My 20 hour renders at the computer lab took 1 hour on my new processor.

I've been doing my own builds, and swapping out parts in my PC's ever since. I've tried OSX repeatedly. I've built a couple of hackintosh's. But, every single time, the trauma and the horror, and the deep deep bitterness and resentment that I have harbored in my heart against Apple has never gone a way.

I loved Apple once. But after those 3 years of using exclusively Apple products, now I only have an Apple shaped scar burned deep in my soul.

I don't expect other people to agree with me. I know they think that I can't code worth a crap because I'm use Windows as my OS. The disdain and contempt that people have of my favorite OS hurts, but nothing will hurt me as much as Apple has. It's an emotional thing I have.

All that to say, I will never trust Apple again.

:) </hahaha but, no, really>

I know they think that I can't code worth a crap because I'm use Windows as my OS.

... what sort of person thinks that? That's just insane.

Yeah. I really don't get that, either.

Haskell and Erlang seem to run on Windows just fine when I mess around with them. The Lua environment on Windows is quite a bit better than the environment on Ubuntu. Mongrel2 doesn't, so I'll settle for running on Ubuntu for the time being.

Python runs beautifully, and the installers work quite a bit better than IMHO than the package system on Ubuntu. iPython is the shell that I live on most of the time, and when I need to automate server stuff, I find that Powershell is actually a much better shell than bash for a lot of stuff that I need on a regular basis. Being able to pipe around full objects rather than plain text is quite nice. When I don't have powershell lying around and I have to settle for bach, I find that I quite miss it.

The search engine that I'm building in my spare time doesn't seem to have any problems running on a Windows server, either.

So, no, I really don't get why people have such a chip on their shoulders when it comes to programmers running Win7. All I can think of is that people have some sort of techno-religious myopia. But, then again, there's jerks in all walks of life. I suppose programmers aren't exempt from that.

Komodo Edit is a very nice editor with a Linux version. I use it on Windows, though I'll be comparing Sublime to it now.

I literally had never heard of this before. I just downloaded it for Ubuntu and HOT DAMN! I am buying this for sure.

For anyone waiting for textmate 2, give this a look. It may very well be just what you are looking for.

Best part is you can completely change all the keybindings (if you want) so you can create your VIM or Emacs setup if you so choose.

Happy day....

This is awesome, I too hadn't heard of it before.

Killer features beyond just being so good:

1) Available for every platform (learn once, use everywhere)

2) Licensed per user (buy once, use everywhere)

Loving it already and will purchase imminently.

Edit: Would love it even more if I had a basic vim keymap at hand and could always grab. Looking for most of the basic navigation, editing (yank, delete, paste, etc), search/replace and stuff like that.

I'd never heard of it either I use TextMate usually just having a quick look, for an Alpha, it's surprisingly polished:

* Initial theme is great

* Undo isn't character based

* Split screen/pane

* Top-right there is a cool preview of the document

* Cmd-R gives you quick access to methods in the current file

* Everything seems very quick & snappy and for the most part looks good especially for a cross-platform app.

On the less positive side:

* The fuzzy finder could be a little more relaxed (typing a few letters then a space will give you no results)

* Find files in project could do with a bit of UI (and I'm not sure it does replace as well)

* The project drawer looks like the sidebar in Finder rather than a proper file/directory view.

Really impressed though - definitely tempted to give it a go...

Every emacs and vi user here just went down your checklist and said to themselves "I can do that" (okay, I'll cede the "initial theme" point)

Seriously folks, just learn one of those two, there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to text editors.

Except for the mouse and the graphical user interface

Where did you get that idea?

emacs and vi are console based editors. I don't understand how anything could get to the point where it could never be made better.

In Sublime you can select text with your mouse and on the right there is a graphical overview of the entire document.

>emacs and vi are console based editors.

Don't know about emacs, but vim has an (optional) gui.

>In Sublime you can select text with your mouse

And in vim - even in the console version in fact. It's useful being able to select text, scroll with the mouse wheel, etc in a terminal window, particularly if you're editing a file on a remote machine.

>and on the right there is a graphical overview of the entire document.

Depending on what 'graphical overview' means, it's almost a certainty that vim can do something similar. The only thing I can think of where that would not be the case is if you mean something like a thumbnail view of the whole document (can't see much use for that offhand, but maybe) [edit: I had a second look to see what you meant by that, and yeah it looks like that's one thing vim can't do].

Not sure if you're aware but it also has features like tabs, arbitrarily split screen, colouring (console version is limited to 256 colours unfortunately, not sure about gui [edit: gVim supports proper 24bit colours]) and numerous other features that you might only expect in a dedicated graphical application.

Having an (optional) gui is something "new". The parent post I was responding to asserted that there was nothing new in the editor space since emacs and vi.

I just opened vi on my machine and I was unable to select text. Maybe there's a way to get it to work... but in Sublime and other graphical editors it just works.

Thumbnail may have been a better word... Sublime has just that. I've found it useful when working on long files. But regardless, there are other features that a GUI enables, like code folding...

Gvim is probably what you're looking for. There's also an easy-to-use version called cream.

What makes you say a GUI is required for code folding? A screenshot of vim: https://blog.stefanpopp.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/vim7.p...

The fuzzy finder is very fast but it's missing a key thing from textmates fuzzy finder ( Command-T for vim is missing this as well ) that's a bias for close proximity of the character matches. shrb should match a file called shop.rb before a file called shops_controller.rb

completely agree - this is wow stuff. God I wish all software on Linux looked like this.

The fact that it's cross platform is downright sexual.

Nice plugin API. There might be enough here to write a vim modality/navigation extension without too much pain.

Community page of existing plugins for Sublime Text 1. Hopefully these get ported to 2: http://sublime-text-community-packages.googlecode.com/svn/tr...




(EDIT: API is for Sublime Text 1 only)

Those are for Sublime Text 1, rather than 2, by the way. The API for Sublime Text 2 is very similar, but different enough that plugins won't work without being changed.

Documentation for Sublime Text 2 is extremely thin on the ground at the moment, it's something I'll try to address soon.

Really looking forward to this.

I've been using Sublime practically from when it was first released (what, 2 years now?). I do ALL of my development in it and I don't have any need to use anything else. The multiple cursor thingy and side-by-side editing are simply amazing. Especially the multiple cursor functionality, I can't say enough praise about it. Plus one awesome "feature" of that is, that anybody watching over your shoulder when you are using it has that dumb "WTF" look on his face. Priceless. Oh, and no f* icons. That's awesome too. And the built-in spell-checker, and multiple replace, and jump to symbol, and full screen mode, and mini-map, and and and ... really an amazing product (can't believe it's that cheap (and I consider 60 bucks a lot of money)).

Looking forward when v2 gets stable. Thanks Jon, keep up the good work!

This is a beautiful piece of work. Any chance you might be able to explain the background architecture that might allow others to replicate some of this?

From what I see: - extensions are coded in Python, and there is good documentation on the plugin mechanism. - Each platform seems to use the platform's native window system. There is no use of a common UI like Qt. - The first version is GPU accelerated but the newer one is entirely software.

Seriously impressive work considering it is a single developer. I like how there animations are subtle, and how the entire UI is incredibly responsive. To me, this does to text editors what Chrome did to web browsers.

I downloaded this and tried it out, and it's definitely pretty. I just can't come up with any situation where I'd actually use it to write code.

Try pulling up a source file. Any file, any language. Type in the name of one of your objects, then a period, then hit CTRL+SPACE. What comes up? A list of strings that contain your object name, picked by matching text from the source.

Really? In 2011??? Why are people still using text editors that autocomplete based on text? Why are people still getting excited about them?

Editors have been background compiling and autocompleting based on context for over 10 years now. If you write code for a living, you should be using one. It will make your life easier by an order of magnitude.

I think we've moved past the point where we need to treat code as if it were simply text. Unfortunately for this cool editor, it doesn't really have a place in my world today.

What are you using?

WJW, this is very cool. A few comments:

- When you select a file in a project, first it shows some kind of preview and only if you start typing it gets its own tab. Why is that ? Perhaps just keep it simple and always show a tab.

- Can I change the font?

- Creating a new project could be a little be easier to understand (perhaps add "New project from folder")

- The black UI looks great with dark themes, but a gray version would be great for light ones.

- The minimap was a little bit greater on ST1, overlaying it like this turns it into a distraction (unless it would fade away automatically and fade in activated by "hot corners", or something like that).

- Any chance you would think of VC integration, or that isn't a good thing to have in the editor for you?

- Why is this so fast? Can you teach us how to make great looking apps that work on all platforms? :)

Really snappy, "modes" load instantly, great out of the box experience. Congratulations!

The preview-on-single click makes a bit more sense if you have the tabs turned off: it exists so the set of open files doesn't get cluttered when browsing a project. I'm planning on making it optional (and likely off by default), as many people aren't a fan of the behavior.

You can change the font, but it involves editing the preference files: Have a browse through "Preferences/Default File Preferences", and then copy the relevant keys into "Preferences/User File Preferences" - font_face and font_size in this case.

To change the font, go to Preferences > User File Preferences and paste this in there:

  "font_face": "Monaco",
  "font_size": 13

Wow.. I'm really impressed. Later I'll try it at home to see if it looks this good under KDE to. Although the price is a bit steep for me (given that I live in Argentina, 59$ represents ~7% of my monthly income), any chance the price is going to go down in the future?. How does this product's price compare with similar ones in the market?, maybe I'm a bit disappointed because of my low income.

Best editor ever.

I have tried literally every single one over the years. Considering it's made by a single developer development speed is breathtaking and he is always open to suggestions on the Forums.

I was a little wary of the new version after using ST1 for so long, but have finally switched and project management is now a breeze where it used to be a little clunky. Go to anything also rocks.


> I have tried literally every single one over the years.

You have obviously never tried the Zeus editor.

Quick question: Are there plans to develop auto-complete for 'X' language, and if not, is it possible to build your own auto-complete feature for 'X' language using the plugin API?

When learning a new language, and especially when learning a new library, I dearly miss auto-complete (e.g. what you get in Eclipse with Java). I'm learning Haskell, and this would be a fantastic way to get more familiar with not only the standard Prelude, but any of the other Haskell libraries.

breathes sigh of release

deletes whole bunch of other editors from hard disk

Seriously, I can't believe this wasn't recommended to me before now.

Any thoughts on what this is written in? How is it cross platform?

It's not Python. I ran otool -L on the binary, and on my Mac, it looks like an ObjC++ program.

It's written in Python I believe.

As a front-end jockey, one feature of TextMate that I wound up using a lot in CSS is the native OS X color picker. Anyone know if this can be implemented with the current plugin architecture? I wouldn't have a clue where to start, but if I was nudged w/ the reinforcement that its possible, I'd take a crack at it.

I have been using Sublime Text for about a year now and it's my killer app for Windows. I've had to learn to use msysGit and plink/putty/pageant just because I had to have Sublime Text as my environment.

I've already informed my boss he has to buy ST2 as soon as it's available. It is, especially with Zen Coding plugin, one of my favorite programs (design/function/utility) that I've ever installed, and I've tried a bunch of the "programmers" text editors for Windows and Linux.

Thanks Jon!

Those who do not understand Emacs are doomed to repeat it.

I believe [Yi][] developers had a good understanding of Emacs.

[Yi]: http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Yi

Does this have some form of git support?

Looks great, but any chance of a static compiled version for Linux 32/64bit?

I'm getting: ./sublime_text: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Linking with ln -s /usr/lib/libpng14.so.14 /usr/lib/libpng12.so.0 doesn't work: ./sublime_text: /usr/lib/libpng12.so.0: version `PNG12_0' not found (required by ./sublime_text)

Which libraries are you referring to? Statically compiling GTK would seem a step too far.

EDIT: Ah, you've added that now. I'll do some investigation: could you let me (jps@sublimetext.com) know which distro you're running?

(I'm the author of Sublime Text, btw)

I got passed the libpng error by installing libpng12 from AUR. Now when I run ./sublime_text I get these errors: http://pastebin.com/NYWSaPSe It's strange because running "python PackageSetup.py" doesn't produce the same errors. My PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH are both correct. Using python 2.7.1 on arch.

I've just released an updated version of Sublime Text 2 that should address the Python issues, at least.

I thought arch moved to python 3 for /usr/bin/python so maybe that is causing the issue?

I'm running an up to date Archlinux distro.

thanks for taking the time to have a look!

If you manage to get it working, would you help a fellow Arch user and submit it to AUR?

Help -> About, then close Sublime 2, the About dialog still remains.

Sublime Text is awesome, the main reason I was being stuck with Windows for a long time. But having to use bash and not wanting to pay a lot of money made me learn Emacs.

How many people are willing to pay 59$ for a pretty simple (yet awesome, but not in the sophisticated feature-rich Java-world way) editor? My bet it isn't public information but maybe someone have similar statistics

I don't understand why a programmer who is prepared to switch editors (a really big thing!) would in anyway be swayed one way or the other by $60.

$60 can be, depending on where you live, a lot of money. Not everyone lives in USA where $60 is his hourly rate ...

Now I know that a text editor is programmer's basic tool, but if $60 represents one week of your salary and you are already on a tight budget, then I can see how one could not afford that.

well, I pay like only 1.5x times more for my room. just to compare our costs of living

I hadn't considered people living in countries with much lower costs of living/wages, my apologies for making assumptions.

> How many people are willing to pay 59$ for a pretty simple (yet awesome, but not in the sophisticated feature-rich Java-world way) editor?

I don't yet know how Sublime Text compares to TextMate, feature-wise, but TextMate seems to have sold pretty well at (roughly) this price point.

I always thought Mac users are more willing to pay than Windows users. Sublime for a long time was windows-only and almost free to use (a "nag" alert is not bothering at all)

I don't want to say I doubt anyone will buy Sublime. I wanted to know if it allows to pay for a living or to buy a yacht ;-)

I'm taking a first look, and I certainly like the appearance. The older I (and my eyes) get, the more I appreciate sufficient contrast WITHOUT a lot of brightness.

One small nit for consideration. I realize it may increase conversions, but I absolutely hate it when an application unexpectedly fires up the browser (and surfs off to an unstated destination). (In Sublime's case, via Help / About.)

Some years ago, TextPad got my money through the same model: Unlimited trial. The unlimited trial wasn't enough to "obligate" me, but its excellent performance and feature set won me over. (In particular, I made heavy, ad hoc use of its regular expression support against relatively ginormous, irregularly structured text files -- and file sets -- at the time; something no competitor seemed to match.)

(Unfortunately, TextPad's update to version 5 -- including moving to a newer Microsoft framework -- mostly just made things worse, and development simultaneously seemed to be tapering off.)

BTW I tried the 1.4 version as, initially, at least, I didn't want to tackle an alpha version.

I'm pleased to note that line wrapping carries forward the indent level. That's something else TextPad had/has that many of its competitors do not. I find this makes presentations containing wrapped lines much more legible.

EDIT: It would be nice, however, to have an option to restrict the current line highlight to the current display line, for times when the user is working with long form text (e.g. paragraphs).

Love it. It's awesome. One feedback: make opening Projects easier. I had closed the editor window and the Project menu only showed "Recent Project". It wasn't intuitive to me that I need to have a text window open before the other menu items are visible. Make those menu items available by default and if no window is open, just open one.

Shame I didn't know of this editor earlier, although I've been hunting for a perfect editor for quite some time.

(Settled on VIM + boatload of plugins, but its far from elegant)

I love the clean non distracting interface, ctrl-p is also a killer feature with the "@" extension.

Only thing I'm missing so far is the VIM autocomplete from all open buffers feature, saves me lots of typos.

I've been using Sublime Text daily for the past months, and I'm really, really happy with it. I've jumped from one text editor to another mostly within a few weeks of usage; most of the editors just didn't feel that good (e.g. cluttered UI). The last text editor I actually enjoyed working with was SciTE (http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html). But then I somehow managed to find Sublime Text, gave it a try, and since then I've been using it daily and never went back.

The only critic I have is directed to the missing Print function, but it's only a minor problem for me; it's not like I don't have any alternatives to accomplish this task.

Summa summarum it's a very good text editor IMHO, and I'm always learning a new, convenient function by accidentally hitting CTRL + random key (e.g. CTRL + D).

I'm running into a few miscellaneous usability issues. Hopefully this public alpha helps shed some light on them and help jskinner polish this app to beta and release. Is there a public forum or site that we can report these to (something like getsatisfaction or tender for customer support)?

There isn't a public issue tracker yet, no. The best place at the moment for reporting issues is the forum: http://www.sublimetext.com/forum

Especially language support (clojure) for example.

Sublime Text supports TextMate language files. I've added COBOL syntax highlighting for a friend by just pulling apart someone's tmbundle, the same could probably be done with clojure.


Edit: I hadn't seen your posts below saying that this wasn't working for Clojure

Type this:

  import os.
Pressing ctrl+space produced no hint or auto-complete. Does anybody know why ?

Another thing I have tried: executing ./sublime_text /mycode/

doesn't import/open that directory within ST, it just opens up blank.

I'm pointing these out to ask for solutions, not to nit pick.

Auto complete only looks in the current buffer for possible completions at the moment.

I'll look into what's going on with the command line handling under Linux.

What are the plans for auto complete? Maybe native ctags support? That would make me change to Sublime 100%!!!

Autocomplete is awesome. Two ideas:

* Option for it to come up automatically instead of with a key combo.

* Taking colours from the active colour scheme.

Keep up the good work!

Quite arguably one of the best text editors that I've used, It's my primary code/ text editor when i work on a windows machine. I just wish the OSX version was just as good. Looking forward to trying out this version.

I was going to ask how to get vi bindings, but after looking through the features, it seems I would kill most of their hard work and thoughts doing so. The getting started guide[1] is very helpful. To see if a feature is implemented in this alpha, do: Preferences | Default key bindings, search for the command, eg. "ctrl+shift+k" mentioned in support is not found in alpha.

Just one of the most beautifully designed piece of software I've seen.

[1] http://sublime.akalias.net/gettingstarted/

UI bug report: Scrollbar behavior is weird. The thumbnail scroller is very cool and stops when the end of the file is visible at the bottom of the view. However, the scrollbar itself scrolls until the end of the file is visible at the top of the view. At least in OSX, this is not standard text editor behavior.

Also, I hope you plan to use form controls for saving preferences instead of json-style dicts.

And the Command-P issue.

Otherwise, awesome editor.

> However, the scrollbar itself scrolls until the end of the file is visible at the top of the view. At least in OSX, this is not standard text editor behavior.

Good news! You can easily turn off this behavior by editing your preferences. Just add this to Preferences > User File Preferences:

        "scroll_past_end" : false

It looks Great. Could this be emacs's missing editor?[1]

[1] "Don't get me wrong: Emacs is a great operating system – it lacks a good editor, though." --Thomer M. Gil

I realize this is still in alpha and I expect bugs (though it looks incredibly polished), but is anyone else having problems changing the font/font size in the Linux 64bit version? I have changed it in the config file and restarted the program, but it seems to have no effect. I'm just wondering if this doesn't yet work or if I'm doing it wrong.

I'd love to use this, but I need to be able to see it first. :/

Make sure you're changing it in the User File Preferences, rather than the Default File Preferences. The default preferences get overridden by the platform specific ones.

Ah, thanks.

Very nice. One thing that I always find myself wanting when exploring new editors is a way to import my Textmate theme.

It's tough to evaluate the editor when the colors are all wrong, and I don't want to spend the time to set them up just right only to find out I don't like the editor. I think a feature like that could help increase adoption.

.tmTheme files are supported by Sublime Text: Copy your .tmTheme into ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User (assuming you're on OS X), restart Sublime Text, and you should be able to select it from the Preferences menu.

I've used Sublime for a couple of years now, still evaluating (I will buy it, just not while I'm a student) it and saying "no" to the dialogue every other save or so. Heh.

Anyway, I made a theme that's a mod of Twilight but in my opinion far more readable and pretty.


Give it a try!

Does Default Key Mappings have every possible command? If not, is there a complete list available somewhere?

It has most, but not all. Some commands are in the menu, but have no key binding: you can find these via "Preferences/Browse Packages", and then open up "Default/Main.sublime-menu".

  $ ./sublime_text
  Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)
  $ python --version
  Python 2.6.6
Is that my python version? Could the error message be more verbose, or is it not coming from sublime? How do I go about fixing that? Wanted to give sublime a try...

There are currently some issues on non-ubuntu linux distros. I hope to get this resolved in the next few days.

I'd really like to move to an IDE that understands js code as well as Netbeans does but without the sluggish performance of the editor. I like Sublime Text so far, but I really miss the ability to see out-of-scope variables and catch minor errors.

Anyone know how to accomplish this in Sublime Text ?

Take a look at IntelliJ IDEA's little brother WebStorm. Their JavaScript insight is fantastic and it runs quickly at least on my machines.

I like it...it's crashed on me a few times (64-bit) but other than that it's nifty. The best part is the minimap (high level view of source on right hand side).

Is anyone aware of a plugin for vim that does this sort of thing?

Check the Nov.2007 blog post comments ( http://www.sublimetext.com/blog/articles/anatomy-of-a-next-g..., comment by 'drewp' ) for a tool that may help.

I'm getting a segmentation fault on 64-bit Ubuntu 10.10. Anyone know what's going on?

Edit: Removing the ~/.Sublime Text 2 folder fixed things. The segmentation fault only started after I restarted my laptop.

This looks nice and I will give it a try. But when will coding editors set the tab key to "spaces" by default? It's not just this editor but Eclipse and others.

Fast and slick. I like it. Does it support two dimensional copy & paste? ( this is usually done with pressing the left alt key on other editors ).

Column select is triggered by Ctrl+Left Mouse on OS X - Alt+Left Mouse will subtract from the selection.

Ah! So it's called column select. Oops! I am trying Alt+Left Mouse in Windows XP but it doesn't seem to work. Is it different under Windows?

On Windows and Linux you can use Shift+Right Mouse, or Middle Mouse.

Column selection interacts nicely with multiple selections, too: Use Ctrl+Drag (Command+Drag on OSX) to add selections, and Alt+Drag to subtract selections.

Multiple selections are very cool. I think you have done a great job with this editor. A final question: what is the recommended way to move between recently visited files? For instance in Visual Studio there is a file history stack that makes it very easy to visit previous files with Alt + W + n where n represents the distance in the visitation history. I keep doing Alt + W + 2 to alternate back and forth between two files. Is there a way to this in Sublime?

I am thinking about buying it to use under OSX. The XCode editor is not my favourite to put it lightly.

Keep up great work!

Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab cycle forwards/backwards through the stack of recently used files, in the same manner as Alt-Tab (Command+Tab on OS X) cycles through applications.

This project would be more interesting to me if it could complete C/C++ by using the autocompletion features of the Clang compiler.

Beginner programmer here. I could not use any other editor. Does anyone know if you can collapse functions or blocks of code?

There was a thread about this on the ST forums a while back - I can't seem to find it now. If I recall, block collapsing was a low/non-prority because it was viewed as lending itself to poor code, and mostly compensated for by other features.

My personal opinion - it'd be nice, but I don't miss it enough to switch editors or bug the author - maybe someone will make a plugin for it. I haven't missed it at all in Python or Haskell. Last time I worked on a Java project, I missed it a bit at first, but mostly found that the minimap got rid of that feeling of looking at code through tunnel vision that made me want to collapse it, and by the end of the project I'd shifted to using ST more than Eclipse. I might feel differently if I jumped back in to C#, with #region and all, but I really feel like the C language family lends itself more to IDEs anyway.

I am using it on Ubuntu 10.10, looks amazing, is there any way to add syntax highlighting for other languages (Go in my case)

It's generally just a matter of getting your hands on a .tmLanguage file (the same format as TextMate), and putting it somewhere in your packages directory (~/.Sublime Text 2/Packages/ on Linux).

The top Go.tmLanguage reported by Google appears to be a work in progress though, I'll see if I can get something sorted for the next version - I'd like to have Go support out of the box.

Not able to use one for Clojure (the one for Go works fine) - could you please check https://github.com/franks42/clojure.tmbundle/blob/d0b6baa893...

> ~/.Sublime Text 2/

It's a shame they've not heard about $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-l...)

This one works great:


Maybe it should be included by default

v1 supports custom syntax highlighting definitions (or you could use TextMate's since it uses the same format). I'm sure v2 has this feature also.

First impression: awesome.

Second impression: The animations are a bit contrived. The hit state on the file browser arrows could be larger.

Perhaps I'm using it incorrectly, but the Folders option does not seem to be working for me on 32 bit Ubuntu 10.10

It should be just a matter of dragging a folder onto the side bar (or using the Project/Add Folder to Project menu item) - drop me an email (jps@sublimetext.com) if this isn't working for you.

Nevermind I take it back, I just had a lot of files, took a while to load. This is tremendous!! Plus you don't really need the file browser with the Go To Anything functionality.

"No libgio so found" when I ran this on a 32 bit Linux (RHEL5).

Would a statically linked Linux executable work for this?

libgio is part of GTK, which I'm hesitant to statically link against. I'll test under RHEL5 and see what I can do to make it work out of the box.

> libgio is part of GTK

It is not part of the GTK version on RHEL5 (1.2.10). This might be a difficult problem. RHEL5 is full of old packages. I wouldn't worry too much about it, a lot of government and military facilities use it but everyone else moved on. RHEL6 is out but it will be some time before it makes it through the red tape of approvals.

Great editor only problem is it doesn't work over remote desktop because it uses 3d accleration.

While Sublime Text 1 used the GPU for rendering, Sublime Text 2 is software only, and so should have no problems over remote desktop.

Is it possible to set up tab triggers for the snippets?

I stopped reading when I saw that CMD+P does "Goto Anything" instead of print. Please use standard keyboard shortcuts... Too bad because it looked awesome!

As much as possible, I do try and follow the conventions of the host OS. Cmd+P is the only exception, which I feel I can get away with due to there being no support for printing yet (and a few other historical reasons, where Ctrl+P is used for similar functionality in Sublime Text 1).

Thank you for your answer. I'll look into your software, it seems pretty awesome! You should however consider being more strict about host OS standards in my opinion. It would just makes our life a little bit easier.

Please feel free to click in Preferences -> User Key bindings and make any overrides you need to make.

Ok thanks! Nonetheless, I think it should ship with standard defaults...

Do you really print your code?

"Too bad because it looked awesome!"

You will not use it because of the CMD+P problem!?

You missed the point. The fact that CMD-P doesn't do what it's supposed to do was a big warning to me.

One of the best things on a Mac is that every application uses standard keyboard shortcuts. For example, CMD-, always opens preferences. I believe that anybody who doesn't follow these conventions is doing it wrong. If the application doesn't print, CMD+P shouldn't do anything in my opinion.

I agree that this is very important, since I tend to lean heavily towards keyboard-driven interaction. It's not enough of an issue to prevent me from using the editor, though.

I believe you meant

   CMD ,

I love the Goto Anything features and the MiniMap. I must have those, somehow, somewhere. I'm playing around with all the Cmd-P and Cmd-R stuff in the Alpha on my Mac right now and love it. Intuitive and very useful in common use cases that come up. I think there's some overlap with what vi can already do, but this might go beyond it. I notice with the Cmd-P stuff it has a stack-like quality as you refine your query, meaning that as you refine your query and jump ahead to see the result, you can incrementally backtrack/unwind your query, to the changes live, and then ultimately you can totally pop back to the file/spot you had been looking at before you entered the Cmd-P query mode. Good stuff. MiniMap is a nice visual hack to help scroll around your code. It feels a little more like chrome than substance, but it's chrome I like, so I don't care. It also gives a birds-eye sense of where the most complex parts of your code are without having to manually look directly at every area at the 1:1 zoom level.

This reminds me of the top post yesterday.

This editor is cross platform and many of us already use it.

How does it compare to Kod?

Comparing anything to Kod isn't really fair at this point. It is currently at 0.0.3beta and not feature complete (I hope ;)

ST can beat Kod feature-wise anyday

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