create table df_merged as
(select from df1 join df2 using(common_key))
Perhaps a bit more verbose but infinitely more readable and parseable.
How about this one. Add a between join i.e. "AND where df1.datecol between df2.datecol - interval '30 day' and df2.datecol + interval '30' day" in pandas?
This is an extremely common operation in analytics, by no means an esoteric use case.
create table df_merged as (select from df1 join df2 using(common_key))
Perhaps a bit more verbose but infinitely more readable and parseable.
How about this one. Add a between join i.e. "AND where df1.datecol between df2.datecol - interval '30 day' and df2.datecol + interval '30' day" in pandas?
This is an extremely common operation in analytics, by no means an esoteric use case.