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> 24. Productive coders write lots of code.

I wish I could convince my employer of the low truth-value of that statement.

(Instead, I make sure to have a reasonable number of easy large-code-volume tasks sitting in a backlog so that I never fall behind)

On the other hand there are many times where I wish I could convince other programmers of that statement. Lots of repetitive boring code is usually better then convoluted meta frameworks to solve the same task. I just spent my morning digging through 8 layers of OO abstraction hell that turn CSV files into sql because someone thought the easy way was too repetitive and the could cut the LoC count.

We engineers sometimes love beauty too much.

Sometimes, we build things that are technically beautiful because we appreciate them, even though they aren't actually the right solutions to the problems at hand.

You call it beauty, but to me a pile of unnecessary abstractions (and the associated boilerplate) is just ugly. It can be fun to design and build, kinda like goldberg machines, but I wouldn't decorate my home or art with such things.

Simple, small, short.. now that's where I see beauty.

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