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Maybe it's time for you to found/cofound. It matters more when it's your creation, and that might be the missing ingredient. You gained battle scars and learned quite a bit at your three failed startups, and to hell with baseball analogies anyway.


Hey running a coffee shop is a great business as long as you're not next store to Starbucks, or if your coffee is incredible. Besides, you don't have to code to run a business. Understanding how software is structured, what resources certain design decisions cost are valuable skills.

What language(s) do you code in? I hit the wall with c++ after 14 years of building sims/algorithms with it. Ruby/Python/javascript have opened up incredible avenues of hacking fun for me.

Sorry, I deleted my stories as I felt they were revealing too much personal information. My last job I was using Ruby and Java doing back-office data munging stuff for a financial firm.

If you want to share those experiences, I'd appreciate the information. Maybe I can learn something vital. Hit me up at messel at gmail dot com anytime you feel like it.

>Besides, you don't have to code to run a business.

Funny, here on HN/YC there seems to be a heavy bias against anyone who is not a developer.

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