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I take serious issue with this. I completely agree that Saudi Arabia and Israel are significant national security and geopolitical issues that aren't being dealt with appropriately. The Israelis are spying on US politicians and others inside the US. It's crazy. And pointing out that the Israelis are doing so, and most likely also directly influencing politicians to treat Israel more favourably, is regarded solely as racism and "anti-Israeli" - as if Israel doesn't and isn't doing despicable things as well. They aren't above reproach, but they absolutely treated like they are. Saudi Arabia is far worse, and they're treated the same way in US politics.

But this doesn't mean Russia and China aren't doing bad things. This doesn't mean that they aren't bad actors that don't need to be dealt with. This is whataboutism, and it detracts from issues instead of productively extending the conversation. If one problem is mentioned, people like you jump out of the woodworks exclaiming, "NO, that's PROPAGANDA! listen to my favourite problem to talk about instead!".

All of these countires. USA. Israel. Saudi Arabia. China. Russia. They're all bad in their own ways, doing bad shit for shitty reasons and they all need to be talked about. But just because one of them does something bad doesn't mean you can't talk about the other ones as well. It doesn't excuse any of them. That's just moral relativism and it's destroying public discourse.

I don't mind everyone spying on each other.

I do mind pretending it's not happening.

I do mind that any one who points out the emperor is naked is shouted down, labeled a kook, gets eviscerated.

>This is whataboutism, and it detracts from issues instead of productively extending the conversation

This is a self contradictory statement. Calling someone's argument "whataboutism" is itself a logical fallacy designed to prevent extension of the conversation into a larger context

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