That's the problem though - blockchains aren't garbage. They're useful.
The actual problem is that currency speculation is garbage. If people were using BTC for its intended purpose (transferring money to and from people they don't trust) it'd be brilliant and it'd have a much more minimal environmental impact.
They are not useful at all, or else when we first had permissionless distributed databases in the 70s we'd freaking keep using them to this day. Regular databases like we have now are more robust and reliable, don't eat up a ton of energy like distributed permissionless databases (Bitcoin eats up an estimated 34TWh per year and growing as of 2017, there's no other database on the planet that consumes so much yet does so little) and regular databases don't need fucktons of environmentally-wasteful hardware to operate.
We figured this out in the 70s. That some idiot resurrected the idea in the '00s and got a bunch of people to buy into it tells much about the state of "technology enthusiasts" on the internet.
The thing is transferring money with guarantees is a solved problem. All you need is banks and laws and judges and police. We have those. Also transferring funds isn't enough to make a viable currency, it has to also act as a store of value.
Oh yeah, why don't I just sue the scammer from a third world country who charged back his PayPal payment instead of using cryptocurrency that makes it impossible. I'm sure small claims court will be happy to get me my money back.
The problem is that cryptocurrencies still require laws and judges and police. The only thing they replace is banks, and they do that bit pretty poorly.
> If people were using BTC for its intended purpose (transferring money to and from people they don't trust) it'd be brilliant and it'd have a much more minimal environmental impact.
Making BTC transactions is the very thing that costs electricity in the BTC network. If no one made any BTC transactions today, then no blocks would be added and every miner and node would be idle.
That's the problem though - blockchains aren't garbage. They're useful.
The actual problem is that currency speculation is garbage. If people were using BTC for its intended purpose (transferring money to and from people they don't trust) it'd be brilliant and it'd have a much more minimal environmental impact.