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is it possible to write a GUI app that looks native in all common desktop environments yet?

Sure, if you write the GUI portions in the native toolkit and factor out the backend into your cross-platform language of choice.

I would argue that's not really a "first-class" developer experience from the perspective of developing for Apple products on a Mac.

The "first class" experience for developing on a Mac would be to develop only for the Mac. If you're not doing that, your job is going to be a bit more difficult.

Yes, I'm aware. But it's a bit weird to say the developer experience on Linux is first-class. For things that don't have a GUI, sure. But that's not what the discussion was about.

I remember watching the linux communities response to the mono project and realizing it was sort of hopeless.

Qt works well for me, as well as Tcl/Tk.


That won't really look native, will it? I thought Qt things looked like Qt things.

As far as my experience goes, it looks pretty native on Windows. Looking at the documentation [0] it also seems to strive for mac-OS native look and feel.

[0] https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/macos-issues.html

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