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> "Keep trying to submit, and we might just ban you forever" is insane.

I was under the impression that if you're being annoying and keep trying to submit a build with private API, making App Store Review's life hard, they're going to ban you. In general, you should be reviewing your dependencies yourself to make sure it's doing things that you approve of; if you can't do that after Apple has warned you that it's doing something that's not allowed I don't really have much sympathy for you.

I think that's being too charitable to Apple. Their review process is automated, and nobody really knows what will trigger the Ban Bot into deleting your account.

There is also no apparent way to scan your own app to make sure that you are not in violation of this issue. So you're in a position where the only way to see if you are in compliance is to submit to Apple, but that may result in your account being banned.

> Their review process is automated, and nobody really knows what will trigger the Ban Bot into deleting your account.

While review is automated, I would like to believe that account deletion isn't.

> There is also no apparent way to scan your own app to make sure that you are not in violation of this issue. So you're in a position where the only way to see if you are in compliance is to submit to Apple, but that may result in your account being banned.

They literally tell you the symbols that you're not supposed to use: it's easy to check if your dependencies are using them.

> While review is automated, I would like to believe that account deletion isn't.

I would like to believe that, too, but I don't.

> They literally tell you the symbols that you're not supposed to use: it's easy to check if your dependencies are using them.

Sure, if you have a better-than-average understanding of C (or Objective C), and know how to use the command line to grep strings out of a binary, and know all of the binaries you need to be searching.

This is a rejection for an Electron app, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of Electron developers do not have the requisite skills. Hell, I've been programming for a couple of decades now, and I couldn't 100% guarantee that an app I wrote didn't call one of the forbidden APIs, even indirectly.

The rejection email doesn't bother to say where in the code the problem is, so it's apparently not so easy as to be part of an automated process. "Learn what these esoteric commands do, use them correctly on every upstream dependency your app has, make sure you don't call any of these symbols, and if you fuck up you're banned for life" is utter dogshit customer service.

> I would like to believe that, too, but I don't.

I'll believe it up until the point that "Apple automatically deleted my account because of repeated app submissions" makes the front page of Hacker News. Until then, I have no reason to doubt it as I have never heard of this happening except in clearly malicious cases.

> The rejection email doesn't bother to say where in the code the problem is

I'd argue that any answer to this question would require the skills that you say Electron developers lack. I don't know what your solution to this is, because getting your app past review by claiming ignorance into what your dependencies is doing ("oh no, I totally didn't know this framework was literally malware, can you please let me be on the App Store anyways?") isn't going to work either.

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