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I’m not sure what your point is. Could you clarify it for me please? On the one hand you seem to be saying that there are networks of no shit actual Nazis in positions of power in Germany and that they have some organizational continuity with post war real Nazis. This seems unlikely, if only because the Stasi would definitely have infiltrated them and exposed them at some point for a propaganda coup.

As to the Bundeswehr document and Horst Köhler that does seem insane. If German polite society makes the President reign for saying something that anodyne they might as well abolish the military and declare themselves a protectorate, whether of France or the US.

> On the one hand you seem to be saying that there are networks of no shit actual Nazis in positions of power in Germany and that they have some organizational continuity with post war real Nazis.

To this day neo-Nazis are vandalizing Holocaust memorials with slogans like "Hans Steinbrenner did nothing wrong!", the NSU [0] was murdering and bombing their way trough Germany for years, while being in close contact with the German Verfassungsschutz, who actually organized their murder weapon and has a long and nasty history of financing these kinds of networks.

The files about that particular case have either been shredded (which was freely admitted) or are now locked up for 150 years. Turns out the same VfS guy who was in contact with the NSU, was also responsible for the guy who recently went on a shooting spree in Halle.

The worst terrorist attack in post-WWII Germany? The Octoberfest bombing of 1980 [1], committed by a right-wing nutjob, they even shot cops when those dare to go after their guns [1]. We've reached a point where they are openly marching on their old Nürnberg parading grounds [2].

> This seems unlikely, if only because the Stasi would definitely have infiltrated them and exposed them at some point for a propaganda coup.

The Stasi was only a thing in the GDR when Germany was still split in two, the two halves only reunified in the 90s.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Underground

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oktoberfest_bombing

[2] https://www.dw.com/en/germany-torch-wielding-neo-nazis-march...

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