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"Society doesn’t care about men’s issues."

Please. My wife recently had some health issues due to a condition that primarily affects women, and I went with her to her medical appointments. The level of casual dismissal I saw regarding pain and symptoms from numerous (male and female) doctors was absolutely shocking. While I've certainly had doctors fail to resolve a medical condition before, nothing like the lack of respect I saw had ever accompanied my interactions at a doctor's office. If you genuinely believe that "society doesn't care about men's issues", at least compared to women's issues, you're living in an absolute fantasy world.

I'm a man and I have a condition that is poorly understood by the medical community. The lack of respect is glaringly obvious when I interact with nurses and doctors. I have discussed this phenomenon with hundreds of men and woman, so I do not think it's gender/sex based discrimination.

The existence of women’s issues doesn’t invalidate GP’s point. It’s not clear to me why you think it is relevant at all.

Your anecdotal dismissal supports the parent commenter's point.

It's fairly well-known that there is more medical knowledge about men, and women are affected in different ways by diseases, about which more knowledge is needed.

See for example this article: https://www.ft.com/content/7864ae80-9597-11e8-95f8-8640db906...

Indeed. And yet life expectancy is still lower for men, and is getting worse. Can we not talk about that for a moment?

Sure we can, but I don't think it's very productive to start arguing that society doesn't care about men's issues. I don't immediately see what society has to do with the lower life expectancy:


> and is getting worse

You missed a pretty important part. I don’t see how that could be the result of anything other than society?

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