Maybe I'm just getting old (I'm 29) but I'd found the zipline and the go-karts to be too much.
I'm all for chill-axing over a round of Halo on the XBox360 between intense periods of work to de-stress and wind down, but I'd just be distracted no end by people zooming around the office on karts and ziplines.
A lot of the folks working in the background didn't seem 'go kart' types but instead were working away on $50 Ikea desks and chairs. Personally, I'd invest more into my staff than my toys.
(also thought it was quite telling that someone went to the quiet room [described as 'where you go to get some important work done'] to play a computer game.)
I think the ops guy on the skype session had the right idea -- work remotely (with a decent chair and desk, and some monitors, and no one zip lining about, in a room which isn't an aircraft hangar), then visit the office for playtime or meetings.
I'm all for chill-axing over a round of Halo on the XBox360 between intense periods of work to de-stress and wind down, but I'd just be distracted no end by people zooming around the office on karts and ziplines.
A lot of the folks working in the background didn't seem 'go kart' types but instead were working away on $50 Ikea desks and chairs. Personally, I'd invest more into my staff than my toys.
(also thought it was quite telling that someone went to the quiet room [described as 'where you go to get some important work done'] to play a computer game.)