My trusted friend decides to try to access all my online accounts, and requests access to my Passbox. Passbox sends me an email informing me of the request.
Oops. The email from Passbox ends up in my junk email folder by mistake. I never see it.
After the waiting period, my trusted friend gets the information from Passbox and proceeds to wreak havoc with all my online accounts.
Email is the current approach I decided to _start_ with but isn't the only way to go about it. Voice calls, text messages and maybe even push notifications (if a mobile app materializes) are feasible approaches too.
Oops. The email from Passbox ends up in my junk email folder by mistake. I never see it.
After the waiting period, my trusted friend gets the information from Passbox and proceeds to wreak havoc with all my online accounts.
No thanks.