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How long before this gets integrated with AR and you get a HUD with a reticle showing where the bullet will land based on how you're holding the gun?

Less than a year according to the US Army and Microsoft.

>The IVAS Prototype Project seeks to provide a HUD 3.0 and integrated STE Squad capability within the Squad Architecture in support of Army, Marines, and Special Operations Forces within 24 months. The PPA shall deliver a baseline standalone STE Squad capability within 12 months, and STE Squad capability integrated into HUD 3.0 within 24 months. This complete IVAS capability shall be suitable to begin production as early as 4Q20 to ensure clear overmatch in Close Combat engagements and drastically increase Squad Lethality.


Don't analog gun sights effectively already do this?

To some degree. Gun sights provide a point by drawing a fixed line down the barrel.

That method does not handle factors that cause the bullet's trajectory to not be perfectly straight or flat, such as wind, gravity, Coriolis Effect, etc. They're generally sufficient for short range shorting, but at longer ranges a large part of the skill comes in being able to adjust your sights to compensate for those factors.

Gun sights are also somewhat ineffective because they are only usable from a single position. You can't point the gun around a corner or lift it over the top of something you're hiding behind and still use them unless you expose your head as well. This method would change that and might give you some kind of a camera feed to a HUD that shows where your bullets would hit.

Not useful for civilian life, but I can understand army interest in it.

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