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It is, I live in the Red Light District for 34 years and have seen it all. This plan to get rid of the girls is a setup of the civil cervants and the church since around 2000. When I came living there in 1985 the neighborhood was rough, relative unsave because of dealers and junkies and there was a lot of crappy state housing. Round 2000 most of these problems were gone and the land/housing slowly started to become more valueable. A lot of parties with interest to gain a lot from that neighbourhood, with all their own reasons, started to plan for the removal of coffeeshops and the girls. The tourists coming for these coffeeshops were low key and hardly a problem for the authorities. The interested parties started 1012 project to buy out all the owners of the window bordellos, this failed due to finance problems caused by the expensive north/south metroline and the downfall of the economy in 2008. Then the parties had another plan, "Let's invite lower class uncivil drinking tourists through the tourist buro", then they can trash the neibourhood and make life difficult for the ladies behind the windows. Then the parties started to talk how little respect and danger these girls are getting from those tourists, now we have a reason to relocate these girls and make the money from those now high valued buildings and land. There are billions involved with this, don't let people fool you into thinking that there is a milligram of altruism.

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