Thats a very good question! The opensource Loki project will always be fully featured, but we are looking at building an enterprise version in a very similar way to Grafana Enterprise.
Having the right differentiation is key here, and something we're super sensitive to - for instance, we put LDAP (a typically enterprise feature) into OSS Grafana. What this space and let us know what you think!
I've implemented Grafana at many different jobs and in many cases have had an executive who would have been willing to pay for the featureset we got for free.
My two cents:
- Deliver a version of Grafana that is available packaged as an appliance, with very little need to edit the INI files. Click to deploy from the Amazon marketplace with the enterprise license included. Easy guide to getting it running with the IAM roles needed to be a first class Cloudwatch adjunct.
- Build on your current SSO offerings and get support for SAML into the mix, as it's what most companies have settled on for access control.
- Keep working on the dashboard provisioning tech and maybe even provide a templating mechanism accessible from the UI that spits out new dashboards on demand, beyond the (excellent) variable functionality that's currently there.
- More work on alerting! You're so close to a first-class alerting system, but we need template variables in alert text and subject lines, support for alerts on dashboards with template variables, severity levels, and a better UX for configuring alarm conditions. Another feature I'd push hard for any company to pay for an Enterprise license to get would be any kind of adaptive, trend-based thresholds rather than the fixed min/max you currently have. It's about the only reason I'd still push some folks towards Datadog and they rake the money in hand-over-fist.
Thanks so much for your product, it really is an absolute gem. Hope I can get an employer to start paying for it one of these years.
Having the right differentiation is key here, and something we're super sensitive to - for instance, we put LDAP (a typically enterprise feature) into OSS Grafana. What this space and let us know what you think!