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> AMD's apparent velocity is likely due to multiple factors, first and foremost is Intel has essentially been stuck, trying to shrink die sizes

AMD's success has nothing to do with Intel's failure.

AMD engineered a beast of a processor architecture that runs circles around the competition at a price that renders competing options obsolete. Ryzen's performance track record would not be any different even if Intel did not sold processors with security problems or succeeded shrinking die sizes.

It boggles the mind how some people try to spin AMD's outstanding progress as something that Intel did instead of a collosal technical achievement by AMD.

That's not what I said at all.

I said AMD is doing very well, and they look like they are doing even better because Intel is having problems.

I recall an anecdote from an AMD engineer (from some article) "we expected to be competing against Intel's next-gen architecture" (paraphrased).

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