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Did everyone forget that it was Comcast that was injecting JavaScript into unencrypted HTTP responses? I wish I had time to dig out that HN thread. It only makes sense given Comcast's lack of ethos that they would be against encrypted DNS.

I worked on that code. Sorry.

Originally it was a dutch isp that wanted the feature. They wanted a pop up that would ask the customer if they would like to buy more gigabytes when the costumer began running low on data.

There was a large back and forth. The general thought process at the time was, "If technology can be used a certain way, it will be used that way." So, we went back and forth over hypothetical situations of how an ISP or business could use javascript injection. Like, "Could an ISP use this to steal personal data?" Ultimately, browsers were beginning to default to tls at the time, so it seemed like it would be a short lived feature.

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