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This isn’t exactly true... Comcast just launched their own DoH endpoint. I also used to work very closely with the DNS team at Comcast. At the time, they did not sell or even log/look at DNS data. It was sampled in aggregate to break down CDN traffic in Netflow data.

Comcast's masters likely have the same arrangement that AT&T does. Everything passes through a closet the rank and file know nothing about.

That's a totally different and unrelated assertion. If the Gov't wants that traffic, they can just go to a Level3 fiber regeneration site in the middle of nowhere and tap the fiber traffic of hundreds of companies.

Didn't Comcast have a long history of sandvine boxes in passive mode until they finally realized they were too expensive and ditched them?

Doesn't the ASN tell you that?

The ASN will only tell you the traffic is from Akamai, not that it was for apple.akamai.com or steampowered.akamai.com, etc.

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