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Pitiful people Comcast, shame on you. This information never should have been sold.

Just imagine if Comcast loses the ability to hold content providers hostage. With DOH it's much harder to tell that most of your customers are streaming from Netflix, so it's much harder to artificially degrade their network connections so you can ask Netflix to pay extra.

Beefy cache nodes of any company, not just Netflix, are trivially identifiable.

But if you have a list of 1000 beefy cache nodes who do you send the ransom letters to?

How about if each beefy cache node has 1000 IPs instead of 1?

What if each client was sticky, so if Comcast buys a Netflix account they only end up on one beefy cache node?

Hell if pushed hard enough maybe netflix would enable p2p (encrypted with DRM of course) for content delivery. I'd happily hook up a 1TB usb to my roku if it improved the playback experience.

Of course DoT is not perfect, but it does seem like it would help, so much so that Comcast is lobbying against it.

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