This article could some background about what Ghost is. There's no explanation until about 6 paragraphs in, and it's only in an image, not in the article itself.
> But you probably want to know about the $5M thing.
As a general comment, not in any way related to Ghost blog:
> It's almost like you can chop off the /blog/3-0/
It's an annoyance of mine in so many company blogs that going to their actual product is so oddly difficult. Sure, I can chop off the URL because I understand what that is, but what about non-technical users? They understand links, not a damn thing goes back to the core product.
It's so weird to me that so many blogs are built around user engagement and SEO, while lacking back linking to the actual product at all.
I've never understood it, but I see it so so often.
You can click on the header without resorting to any URL manipulation. When I load the page, I see ghost, Product, Developers, etc, across the top, and even as I scroll, the 'The Ghost Blog' stays with me, always clickable to reach the homepage.
I'm not sure how going to their actual product could be made any more simple or predictable. Do you have a suggestion?
Nope, I'll edit my post - I was merely talking about what the parent comment said, not anything about Ghost.
The fact that they described modifying the URL made me think of so many blogs I see without back links. I wasn't referring to Ghost at all (I mentioned that, but I'll make it more clear).
> But you probably want to know about the $5M thing.
No, I'd rather know about what Ghost is :P