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Having worked at many large companies, I can honestly say that Google was the best behaved company of all of them, by far.

I think the difference is that Google has a relatively large contingent of "activist" type employees, and they're given a lot of latitude to speak their mind. When something bad happens, everybody hears about it because the employees are the ones shouting it loudest from the rooftops.

Their track record isn't perfect, and Dragonfly particularly strikes a chord with me. But other companies do worse, and you're just much less likely to hear about it.

> I think the difference is that Google has a relatively large contingent of "activist" type employees

Yes, I believe also this is the case. This is also in my opinion the biggest issue with Google nowadays and what makes it extra garbage. They seem to be caught again and again to use their large size to surpress and censor people and companies.

Well they’re also strangling the internet with their ads, so I’m not sure they aren’t also structurally evil.

I have worked there myself in the past and it was very pleasant.

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