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I never wrote set -e is bashism. I implied that people who use set -e will also write bashisms. Goodness knows I've had to fix enough of such garbage over the years to work with Solaris' /bin/sh and I'm revolted, sick and tired of it.

In the meanwhile, notice how absolutely no one could explain what's wrong with || exit 1, other than it's "ugly" (which is a personal opinion, not a fact)?

"You can't even admit your mistake."

So let me get this straight: because I was wrong about set -e making one's program instantly unportable, my entire argument that SmartOS is a good, fast product is invalid? I guess the implication here is that because I was wrong about set -e making a shell program unportable, I am wrong about everything else, is that it?

I haven't been talking about SmartOS. This thread isn't about SmartOS-- it's actually about FPGA synthesis tools that won't run on SmartOS, and criticism of how someone got those tools to run. In this thread you are batting .000-- the whole thing you showed up to assert was wronk, and then the whole sideshow of a conversation you tried to start is bad.

set -e is a stylistic choice, though one I'd urge anyone writing scripts in Bourne and Bourne-like shells to prefer by default.

And I stand by my statement to not use set -e because || exit 1 is a safe bet to be portable. This set -e is just nonsense.

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