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"the workers whose work makes Google's billions in revenue possible while getting pennies on every dollar of value they provide."

Well, you assume that revenue represents value. How do you even know that? Maybe they are making the world worse on net. In which case, should the workers or investors be liable? I generally feel like it's a nice and fundamental feature of society that they aren't.

> Well, you assume that revenue represents value.

That's the standard capitalist assumption. Gotta make a billion dollars no matter who dies.

> Maybe they are making the world worse on net.

Maybe? Have you been paying attention at all?

> In which case, should the workers or investors be liable?

The investors and the management should be liable, under the "command responsibility" doctrine. If you give orders whose implementation makes the world suck more than it already does, then you should indeed be held liable for your orders.

Criminally liable.

> I generally feel like it's a nice and fundamental feature of society that they aren't.

I think that one of the reasons our society is broken is that the people in charge can get away with leaving working-class schmucks like me to hold the bag and take the fall whenever shit goes wrong.

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