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Autotools is written in M4.. M3/M4 were developed by K&R to help automate generating mostly shell programs. In 1974-1977.

For someone who purports to be so oldschool, you're sure missing a lot.

Please take a moment to pause and consider what you're writing. Someone here wrote "let the backend generate correct code". I responded that people usually write shell programs, not backends.

You wrote that you know of no backends--- but we have a long history of macro preprocessing/expansion of shell scripts.

M4 would excel at this adaptation...

Which isn't even necessary, because everything posix conformant has "set -e". And if "posix" isn't good enough, the Bourne Shell back to 1978 has it (probably earlier).

You are hilarious, bro. :D

M4 is a generic preprocessor, not a backend shell program compiler.

And I'm not your bro.

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