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SHA-1 was already broken (Feb 2005) when git was first published (April 2005). But Linus decided that git doesn't need a collision resistant hash function. https://marc.info/?l=git&m=115678778717621

SHA-1 was not broken until 2017.


If you know an earlier instance, go ahead and take the crown from the shattered folks.


The choice to use SHA-1 was a trade-off of security, size, performance. If Linux invented git today, I imagine the choice would have been different, because those parameters are now different.

In cryptography broken means "known attack significantly faster that brute-force", which was published in 2005. And cryptographers were advocating for deprecating it several years before that, because the security margin was clearly insufficient. https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2005/02/sha1_broken.h...

The time between a theoretical attack and practical demonstration of an attack should be considered a grace period we can use to migrate to a secure primitive. Choosing SHA-1 for an application which relies on collision resistance after the 2005 papers is plain incompetence.

Git chose SHA-1 because Linus did not consider collisions a problem. The downsides of SHA-256 were pretty small even then (32 instead of 20 bytes, and somewhat slower performance which is still faster than most IO).

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