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This gives me ideas.

My commits are usually short and sweet - to the point. I document my code very well, however.

One of my strengths in a previous life as a Master Automobile Technician was the ability to document the entire process -- from duplication of a concern, to troubleshooting, to correction, to verification...it's literally how I got paid (which I never understood why so many automotive techs took short cuts while documenting, especially for warranty concerns where you deserve to be paid (by the manufacturer) for everything you did that was necessary to fix the concern the first time).

I could be mistaken (life-long coder, former network engineer / architect for nearly a decade, but I'm currently in my first-ever role as an actual backend developer). I think I was told to keep commits to one line unless absolutely necessary. I'll have to bring this up though. I like the idea of searching through the git logs for specifics, as opposed to having outlook search through the git commits for actual pieces of code changed, or error codes which might not actually be there.

In either event, at least more descriptive, yet still short, messages such as what strictfp suggested "Replace invalid ASCII char. Fixes rake error 'invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII" Although I really like having some reasoning and logic - or how/why in those easily-searchable logs as well.

I think some people remember everything and some people don't (although we're all probably roughly similar logically). I have a hard time remembering what I ate for lunch yesterday - that's why I count on good documentation to function as efficiently as possible in the future. I've worked with people who have an absolute uncanny ability to remember 'stuff'. That's impressive, but I do not have that ability myself.

> I think I was told to keep commits to one line unless absolutely necessary.

The advice I've heard: Your first line should be a concise summary of the commit. This is because a lot of UIs only show the first line up front. (GitHub, git log --pretty=oneline, etc.) However, it's okay (and often encouraged) to go into further detail on subsequent lines.

> I think I was told to keep commits to one line unless absolutely necessary.

I think I would phrase something more usefully as: keep it as short as possible, but no shorter.

I find it to be fairly rare that a commit is so self-evident that only the summary line can do.

My standard has been:

Commit messages should describe why you're doing something ("X asked", or "[reams of supporting evidence why this needed to be made faster but more confusing]"). It provides context to current reviewers, and future archeologists who wonder what you were drinking at the time. Perhaps you had a good reason for doing [insane thing X]! Perhaps you didn't. If you didn't write it down, they might change or leave it, and break something or prevent something from getting a proper fix.

Code comments should be notes to code-readers that are relevant at all times until changed or deleted. "How to use this", "beware changing X", "Z is hot garbage and should be replaced if used for Q". Ideally you'll have asserts or tests or something that actually enforce this, but of course that's not always a realistic option. Comments in code will follow the code around, and don't require chasing code history through N layers of refactoring and indentation-wars, which is what makes commit messages mostly inappropriate for needs like this.

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