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To this newbie, procedural is ===SO=== much easier to understand.

Actually it's the other way around. For someone who is not exposed to programming at all, it is much easier to pick up a language like Clojure. This is not merely my opinion - I have seen it multiple times, with different people.

Julie Moronuki who never had any exposure to programming at all and has a degree in linguistics decided to learn Haskell as her first programming language, just as an experiment. Not only she did manage to learn Haskell and become an expert, she co-authored one of the best selling Haskell books. I remember her saying that after Haskell other (more traditional) languages looked extremely confusing and weird to her.

I only had experience of coding in Matlab in university, and started learning Clojure in my first job. It was very intuitive.

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