I've had my public email address, with no obfuscation, on quite a few very high traffic pages.
Remarkably little spam gets through to me. I actually see more spam in my non-public gmail account where, I suspect, the spammers are simply name guessing.
Long story made not much shorter -- I would guess that scraping isn't that big of a strategy any more.
Yeah, same here. It's not a high-traffic website by any means, but my @lastname.ca email is listed on my lastname.ca trivially encoded with character entities. The volume of spam I get through there is dwarfed by the volume of spam I get from spammers name-guessing emails at my university's email servers.
Remarkably little spam gets through to me. I actually see more spam in my non-public gmail account where, I suspect, the spammers are simply name guessing.
Long story made not much shorter -- I would guess that scraping isn't that big of a strategy any more.