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Shows how valuable they considered it to their business (i.e. zero).

I wonder how much profit they make from fraudulent transactions that people don’t notice.

Question: when there’s a chargeback, does the customer|fraud victim’s bank lose out, or do they get a part of the chargeback fee that Visa/MasterCard levy into the merchant?

Chargeback fees are a profit centre for banks from what I have observed over many years.

The one who loses out is the product seller's business (i.e. the company who processed the charged-back transaction, via their their merchant account).

IME, regardless of who is at fault and who perpetrated the fraud, and regardless of merchant sending irrefutable proof to the bank, the merchant account owner always loses out.

First it pays back the bank for the missing funds.

Secondly the business loses the value of the goods they shipped

Thirdly, the bank slaps a significant fraud fee on the business as well e.g. $35 penalty applied for every chargeback, which is where the bank profits from chargebacks (by never reviewing merchant submitted evidence in chargeback claims, and simply making the merchant business pay for the fraud plus penalty fee on top of that, every single time)

ADP is still using flash for their web app. Their entire business revolves around it.

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