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https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-johnson is the guy. Typical suit found in many exec positions, looks perfectly legit, fine credentials, a little heavy on the sales stuff.

CIO for an acutely underfunded department in large but very poor city is not an easy job.

From the profile ---- About I am a visionary leader that quickly grasps near-term initiatives and opportunities while foreseeing long-term opportunities and how to achieve them. I bring a unique blend of expertise in building and developing winning teams as well as building and scaling businesses. ... I have strategic technology discussions with the public and private organizations in the Baltimore City area every day. Put simply, I assist the Mayor discover how technology can deliver value and competitive advantage to Baltimore City and transform the lives of people that live, work and visit Baltimore City. -----

Try as I might, I would never be able to come up with something like this, even if you held a gun to my head. There surely must be a small industry of HR consultants who specialize in writing this kind of drivel

Oh, I agree it’s drivel, and it makes a typical HN reader cringe but this is fairly common language in executive bios.

Taking a career-ending bullet like this is Part of what these c-level people sign up for, an occupational hazard, especially In Baltimore

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