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" the more interchangeable the components will be. It's like Lego blocks; "

This is precisely the reason why pure FP is prioritizing referential transparency. Even if objects are perfectly encapsulated, with enough complexity, because other objects will depend on that information, and because that information mutates and changes over time, this is bound to cause some errors.

Compilers can't check program correctness because of the halting problem, so FP aims to give the programmer some patterns + laws to help better reason across this "higher" dimension of moving parts.

>> Even if objects are perfectly encapsulated, with enough complexity, because other objects will depend on that information, ...

I would argue that when other objects from different parts of the code depend on the same state and there is no clear hierarchy or data flow direction between those objects, then that is going to cause problems regardless of whether the language is OOP or FP. The problems will manifest themselves in different ways but it will be messy and difficult to debug in either case (FP or OOP) because this is an architectural problem and not a programming problem. It will require a refactoring.

OOP helps to reduce architectural problems like this because it encourages developers to break logic up into modules which have distinct, non-overlapping concerns.

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