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This is a point of conflict for me. I use "~/dev" for all of my development work, but I don't want to because of the convention set by "/dev".

My problem is finding an alternative to "dev" that is just as convenient. Do any of you have any suggested alternatives?

I've always found myself using `~/projects/` for my development. It's also general enough that I can put not-quite-software projects like this in there: https://github.com/lelandbatey/custom_cpu--ALU

I use ~/ops

...but not in the "operator" sense. Rather, the "operations" sense...and that is because i used to use ~/projects...But i got lazy to type that out.

sometimes I use ~/opt

I Use ~/src for ad-hocs and ~/git to home all of the git projects

Just use ~/dev. It's OK to have two folders with the same name, if they're in different places. This is after all why we have folders in the first place!

I just use ~/Developer - with tab completion it's not really any harder to type. (And on macOS ~/Developer automatically gets a unique icon in Finder)

I usually use "~/repos". That makes "re<tab>" a one hand movement in one direction.

Most everything I do development-wise is in Git, which is why I came to that name years ago.

I also have a "~/tmp" directory for one-off dev stuff that I clean up periodically.

I use ~/code

How about `~/workspace`? With tab and autocomplete it‘s not hard to type.

But I must admit that `~/code` seems a good alternative to me.

This is what I use with the specific nit that I actually only use it for "work stuff" and usually have a `~/personal/` for my own pet projects and a `~/scripts/` for anything that I want on my path.

I use ~/hg with a big monorepo

I use ~/devel

I use ~/lab

i use ~/prog

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