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OO is merely a style of laying out imperative code for the compiler to put into proper linear order.

End of the day there are instructions emitted in a linear fashion and other instructions running (OS?) can provide an execution context ("Hi process, here's your memory area with pretend addresses do you can think it's all yours, you go over there to Core-2 and run at Z priority.")

OO is not particularly easy to learn WRT FP, but it does have the contextual advantage of having been delivered on the back of FAST compiled languages like C++.

Java runs as fast as the big money thrown into it's VM can make it run. If the JVM were dog-slow, you would see lower adoption of it.

Ocaml as used by corps like Jane Street etc,is not directly for running application code from (or rather, the application in question does code generation.)

High level languages could be expected to adopt either code-generational or Cython-style approaches. (Chicken Scheme, for example)

C++ merely has the historical accident of bridging 2 generational worlds of computing, hence you can find C++ full-stack.

Anyone for doing DSP purely in Ruby with no C-libs?

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