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I justify it to myself as “$HOME is different.” My fingers are also fast at typing it, and my brain is very well adjusted to “I am unprivileged” xor “I am root” - dev means vastly different things in those contexts, just as rm -r does.

Indeed, if it works for you, then it is good.

In 1990's I used to have ~/dev in school's Sparcs running SunOS, as I needed some device files that weren't available in /dev. But I was able to mknod them.

I've been also toying with chroots quite a lot and there dev is also quite essential for its original purpose. Therefore "dev" is like a reserved keyword for me in *nix systems.

Personally I use ~/w (like "work") or ~/code mostly. I've had ~/dev once for storing projects, but I had to rename it as it was distracting (to me) :)

Do you chroot to ~? Do you still use 90s SunOS?

Neither do I.

No. Above I explained to you why my experiences has made me to think "dev" is special. I don't get your reaction.

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