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A "red flag" for what? He's using macOS, in which the typical user-facing directories are propercase (/Users, ~/Documents, etc.)

I don't know, it's just very ugly and it lacks a sense of aesthetics (just like everything else on macos, so at least it is consistent).

It's like reading a book that uses three different fonts on each page. You just cannot take it seriously.

Aren't you being a little over-dramatic? I use Uppercase directories (Documents, Downloads, Development) in my ~ as well, in a consistent manner. Why is that ugly?

I dislike CaMelcAse as well, but to each his own, I have stuff backed up from my windows machine on my BSD machine that has spaces and uppercase i leave it in case i need to restore. It does not mean you cannot take it seriously.

MacOS is one of the few registered UNIX systems out there (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_UNIX_Specification#macO...).

I actually do not own a Mac, but it is a decent OS and performs well and tries to be windows friendly (hence camelcase and spaces) and tries to be stable and secure.

I guess the downvotes tell you how other hackers feel about your opinions.

letter cases were a mistake in language itself.

cool way to bloat your glyph set to double the size and introduce aesthetic and string matching problems.

Related fact: the term "case" dates back to the old printing presses where characters would be individual blocks or wood or metal and they were stored in draws. Capital letters were stored in the draw above non-capital letters -- hence why they are referred to as "upper case" and "lower case".

In terms of your general point, upper and lower case letters were originally different stylistic type-faces rather than "modes" of a letter in the same type-face. It wasn't until relatively recently in our writing history that the rules of capital letters became defined rather than a style choice and I'm certain they weren't thinking much about the problems that might cause with string matching on digital systems invented several hundred years later.

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