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> Norway-like deal was never on offer

This is simply not true.

See Barnier's presentation graphic:


The various models shown (with variations) were all on offer by the EU, rejected/made impossible by the UK's red lines.

Thanks for that graphic. I don't know what Barnier said along showing that slide, but for me it looks more like "there's no point even thinking about offering or discussing these options if you've ruled them out already" and less like "we have offered all of these in earnest". But I understand that your interpretation differs.

Edit: I found this: https://www.businessinsider.de/what-is-the-norway-model-brex... "The EU has always said the Norway option is available to the UK.", which I'll choose to believe. I stand corrected.

The EU position has been simple, accurate, and consistent. The slide simply shows each Brexit option and which UK redline issues get in the way of each of those options, including the Norway route.

To pick just one: Norway has free movement of people with the EU, and is in the Schengen area. To get the same deal, UK would have to drop the objection to free movement.

that's one nasty GDPR nag screen. 10 clicks deep and still no way to opt out.

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