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Functional programming? absolutely 100% yes.

Functional programming languages? well, it depends on the problem.

If performance is an important issue, most of the time functional programming languages are a big 'no'.

Well, if performance is really an issue, I guess anything that is not C, C++, rust or a thin wrapper over those languages or legacy libs written in the likes of Fortran won't be an option, so yes.

That being said, it seems like performance is not an issue for most of the code written these days, aside from not writing quadratic solutions for problems solvable in linear time.

If you use java, .net, go or the likes, odds are you would be fine with a functional language ; and if you need performance with those languages, odds are that you will need arcane knowledge equivalent to what you would need to know to make performant fp code.

I mean, Jane Street use OCaml for high-frequency trading, where latency can cost significant amounts of money. They seem to be perfectly happy with it.

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