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As soon as I find a DRM-free way to purchase my shows/movies/books, I'll be glad to do so. Until then, yarr.

There are DRM-free ebooks available. https://www.defectivebydesign.org/guide/ebooks (and there seems to be other stuff as well: https://www.defectivebydesign.org/guide/audio ). But I mostly agree with you. I hope watermarks would be used instead of DRM.

Ebooks are the easiest of the bunch, but I don't purchase a book simply because it's DRM-free. I find the book I want to read, I look for a DRM-free version of it (I'm fine with watermarks as well), and, if I can't find it, I either strip away the DRM or pirate it.

I specifically didn't mention music because it's easy to get it DRM-free. Pretty much every online music store is DRM-free.

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